We bring sustainability into the heart of society.
"For this, we put the needs and expectations of our customers & clients first and combine performance, aesthetics, fair prices, simplicity and accessibility for a sustainably convincing product experience."

Sustainable vision
Sustainability is the origin and drive of our actions and thinking. That is why we focus on safety, transparency and social responsibility not only in our products, but also as a company.
We offset our emissions by supporting UN climate protection projects.
Sustainable shipping
All products are delivered climate-neutral and without flyers in a reusable carton.
We bring sustainability into the heart of society.
Wir sind eine Innovations- & Kreativitätsschmiede für nachhaltige Mund-, Haar- & Körperpflegeprodukte. Als Hersteller & Handelsunternehmen etablieren wir ein nachhaltigeres Konsumverhalten in der Mitte der Gesellschaft.
"For this, we put the needs and expectations of our customers & clients first and combine performance, aesthetics, fair prices, simplicity and accessibility for a sustainably convincing product experience."
- Listed in over 3,500 stores
- Mehr als 60 Eigenmarken Produkte
- >300.000 e-commerce customers
- 9+ Jahre Innovation & Handel
This is what drives us.
Täglich nutzen wir verschiedene Produkte für die Mund-, Körper-, & Haarpflege. Kurz ausgepackt, wenige Male benutzt und wieder weggeschmissen, landen so im Jahr mehrere tausend Tonnen Plastik im Müll und schlimmstenfalls in unserer Umwelt. Dort kann es hunderte von Jahren verweilen, bis es sich abgebaut hat. Das muss nicht sein.
Deshalb bieten wir Dir mit unseren Marken Paperdent & plain b nachhaltige Alternativ-Produkte, deren Material wir der Nutzungsdauer entsprechend angepasst haben. Wir setzen sowohl bei unseren Produkten, als auch als Partner-Unternehmen, auf Transparenz und soziale Verantwortung. Unser Motto: Wir bringen Nachhaltigkeit in die Mitte der Gesellschaft. Unsere Vision: ein dauerhaft nachhaltiger Konsum für alle.
We are committed to sustainability. That is why we rely on a wide range of criteria for all products as the value basis for our developments and decisions.
- fairly produced
- Climate-neutral
- made in EU
- renewable resources
- plastic-free
- recyclable
- cruelty-free
- vegan
Wir führen Produkte unserer Eigenmarken Paperdent & plain b. Wir investieren in jedes einzelne unserer Produkte viel Arbeit und Leidenschaft – und das von der Idee bis zur Markteinführung.
The first product we developed after the Wingbrush was plain b's solid shampoo. However, it was a long way until the solid shampoo was available for you and found its place in the store. We had a good idea, but first we had to find a partner who would not only implement it, but also bring the experience and support to successfully launch our first body care product. We learned what's important when creating shampoo in general, which ingredients are good for you and the environment, and how hard it can be to narrow it down to just a few colors and scents. But this is not where the 'solid shampoo' project stopped. The right packaging had to be found, the perfect design had to be created and, most importantly, a brand name had to be established. For half a year we worked on our solid shampoo until it could move into your home.
Since then, many more products and two more brands have been developed, along which our team has grown rapidly. All the while, our developments continue to go through the same basic process. Our product team organizes the development and looks for the right partner for a satisfactory production. At the same time, we make sure that each product meets our sustainability requirements and offers added value for you and the environment. Our design team developes the look and functionality of the packaging. And our marketing team brings just the right mix of creativity and technical skills to present the product to you. By the time our products move into your home, it's likely we've been working on them for months, sometimes years. All to ensure that you end up with a completely satisfying product.

Katharina B.
Happy customers

"Unique products for our business. The symbiosis of a high-quality standard, sustainability, design and a fair price is perfect. Our customers are delighted with the products."
Simon P.

„Mir kommen keine herkömmlichen Reinigungsmittel mehr ins Haus. Ich komme aus der Branche und bin hin und weg. Ich hoffe, dass noch viel mehr Menschen anfangen, ihre Putzgewohnheiten zu überdenken und zukünftig zu umweltfreundlichen Mitteln greifen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden!“